
Heal and evolve with the Universal Intelligence

What are we?

We are much more than muscles, bones and organs. At our base, we are essence, we are energy. In fact, everything on the planet is made of energy. “Potential energy is the energy stored in us, in everyone and all around us.”

That means that you and everything around you has energy and, whether you know it or not, your energy interacts with everything else. We are all born with a pilot light to harness this energy. And in essence we are vibrational patterns. We are lightwaves. That is what we are: that space that vibrates between atoms.

Reconnective Healing®

Reconnective Healing® is a tangible energy interaction with an Intelligence of another dimension. It is presented to us as the frequencies of energy, light and information. Reconnective healing is not a therapy nor a treatment, it is so much more.

Personal Reconnection®

The Personal Reconnection® activates and reconnects our entire energy structure with the rest of the Universe, thus facilitating a leap in our personal evolution. Elevate your vibration level and bring more clarity to your purpose in life.

Recover your balance

Health is the ideal balance between all the important parts of our being (body, mind & soul), in harmony with our environment and with everything we meet.

Reconnective Healing is a return to an optimal state of equilibrium. It is the result of the interaction with the broad Reconnective Healing spectrum, which is made up of energy, light and information. Its first basic element is energy. Energy is all that we are made organically, it’s our essence and our real physical body. Light is the resonance and communication within these frequencies between the Universe and us. The information arrives through the interaction and incorporation with energy and light.

Keep in mind that healing, as we practice it, does not mean treating, repairing or traditional healing. Healing is not linear. What we define as healing is the evolution of the progress of our life. When we allow ourselves to experience healing, there is no guarantee of knowing where it will occur – whether it will manifest in our bodies, our minds or beyond. This is the beauty of healing – it happens where it is needed, how it is needed and when it is needed … not necessarily where, when and how we think it should happen. Healing, in its purest and most powerful state, is simply beyond our control.

Reconnective Healing is not a therapy or treatment. It is a TRANSFORMING EXPERIENCE. The healing of each person will be unique, since each of us has its own independent perfection. Once you come into contact with these frequencies, you can listen to your instinct without interference, bringing clarity and purpose to your life. Be the observer. See what has started to change.

“A person is restored when he gets tired of being sick”

Lao-Tse, Dao De Jing

Certified Reconnective Healing® Practitioner